Speech Therapist in Spanish
In the Speech Therapy area, we carry out the evaluation and intervention in communication, language, speech, voice, hearing and/or eating difficulties.
In this area, we help people of all ages.
What progress do we want to achieve?
We will provide your child with the necessary tools so that he can communicate with his environment.
We will improve the quality of his speech articulation.
Your child will acquire the necessary vocabulary that will allow you to express her feelings, desires and needs.
If your child's pathology makes it difficult to acquire language (hearing loss, ASD, SLI...) we will put at your disposal the learning of different AACs (Augmentative and/or Alternative Communication Systems), such as signs or pictograms.
You will strengthen the affective ties since you will be able to share moments of play and complicity.
It will improve your whole family's communication quality
How do we work?
Individual sessions
Adapted and personalized materials
Playful methodology
Family counseling
Services we provide:
- Language, speech, hearing, and social communication disorder.
- Difficulties in reading and writing.
- Dyslexia.
- Specific Language Impairment (SLI).
- Atypical swallowing.
- Stuttering.
- Oral habits.
- Aphasia.
- Articulation disorders.
- Language delay.
- Dysgraphia.
- Study techniques.
- Facial paralysis.
- Dysphonias (hoarseness, voice loss).
- Public speaking techniques.
- Verbal fluency.
- Social skills.
- Family counseling.
- Cognitive stimulation.
- Alternative and/or Augmentative Communication Systems (AAC).
- Autism.
- Dyslexia.
- SLI.
- Reading delay.
- Intellectual disability.
- Giftedness.
- Cerebral palsy.
- Social Communication Disorder.
- Special Educational Needs.
I want a speach theraphy session

Speech evaluation for children under 3 years old
This means that it is a qualitative and non standardized assessment of children's development. It is achieved by playing games with compelling and interesting materials. Based on this assessment, we will be able to determine whether there is a language delay and whether treatment is necessary to stimulate different aspects of language.
What are these dimensions?
This dimension of language has to do with the sentences that the child uses and understands, and whether or not they are properly structured. In addition to the type of words that make up these sentences (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, etc.), the phonetic-phonological level is evaluated together with the grammar (morphology and syntax).
This dimension is related to words and their meaning. We will look at the vocabulary used and what the child understands, as well as if she knows how to relate some words to others. Semantics are evaluated in this dimension.
This dimension is related to the social use of language. Here we will look at whether the child greets and says goodbye, and how she does it. Also if he expresses wishes or needs, if he uses language to ask for or tell something, if he expresses rejection, gestures, emotions, if he follows a conversation, if he respects turns or if he listens to others. Pragmatics are evaluated in this dimension.
Based on previous assessments, we will decide whether language therapy is necessary to stimulate the development of children's language skills. Depending on the child's participation, the assessment can be conducted in one or two meetings.
If necessary, a personalized incentive plan will be developed to develop skills that have not yet been consolidated. The clinical report should also include treatment recommendations.
Treatment can be performed at Pollitos or at the user's home. The duration is 60 minutes, including 45 minutes of treatment and 15 minutes of counseling for parents or childminders. Counseling is very necessary because we need family support to make significant progress.

Speech evaluation of children aged 3 and over
It is a quantitative and standardized evaluation, which uses the evaluation protocol to evaluate the four levels of language from two aspects of understanding and expression.
What are these levels?
Speech level
Consciousness oriented, produce the sound of language.
Morphological level
Understand and produce sentences. Use connectives and functional words in sentences.
Semantic level
Vocabulary and meaning of words and their combination.
Pragmatic level
Use language in interaction with others.
Based on the previous assessment, a logopic diagnosis will be established to establish a personalized treatment plan to improve the skills that have not been consolidated. Depending on the child's engagement, the assessment can be conducted in one or two meetings.
If necessary, a personalized incentive plan will be developed to develop skills that have not yet been consolidated. The clinical report should also include treatment recommendations.
Treatment can be performed on chickens or at the user's home. The duration is 60 minutes, including 45 minutes of treatment and 15 minutes of counseling for parents or childminders. Counseling is very necessary because we need family support to make significant progress.
Prices inc. VAT
At Pollitos
Sessions at Pollitos facility
30 minutes
Speech therapy evaluation
Between 60 and 120 minutes
Clinic Assessment and treatment plan
Monitoring report
Single session
60 minutes
Pack of 5 sessions
10% discount
Pack of 8 sessions
15% discount
Privat Home Visit
Sessions conducted in your privat home
30 minutes
Speech therapy evaluation
Between 60 and 120 minutes
Clinic Assessment and treatment plan
Monitoring report
Single session
60 minutes
Pack of 5 sessions
10% discount
Pack of 8 sessions
15% discount